Map data from: 8/6/24 - 8/28/24
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Icon Temp. Diff.* Details
 white circle marker
< +2 °F diff Water column is well mixed, water temp. is uniform from surface to max. fishing depth**
 red circle marker
> +2 °F diff Surface waters at least 2°F warmer than at max. fishing depth. (deeper,cooler, oxygenated waters can be key locations in warmer months)
 blue circle marker > -2 °F diff Surface waters at least 2°F cooler than at max. fishing depth. (These warmer, oxygenated, deeper waters can be key locations during cooler months)
teal triangle marker   Tide Prediction Sites

Temperature: If surface water is warmer or cooler than at the max fishing depth, use this information, along with the preferred temperature for your target fish, to determine where in the water column to fish.
Oxygen: The
suggested max fishing depth is where the oxygen level is above 3 mg/L. Below this depth, the oxygen level is < 3 mg/L, which fish generally avoid.
*Temperature difference = (surface temp) - (temp at max fish depth)
** depth = depth on Do Not Fish Below This Depth map
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