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Turville Monitor Observes Effects of Rainfall and Runoff
Between April 8th and April 15th, the Turville continuous monitor recorded a dramatic drop in salinity, chlorophyll and pH, and a rise in turbidity as a result of two rainfall events during that period. Increased turbidity, resulting from sediment runoff, decreased light availability for algal growth, thus lowering recorded chlorophyll values. After the sediment settled out of the water column, chlorophyll values increased to higher levels, because of likely nutrient inputs from the runoff event.

A graph showing a drop in salinity between April 8, 2003 and April 15, 2003 in Turville Creek (Coastal Bays) as a result of heavy rainfall.A graph showing a drop in chlorophyll a between April 8, 2003 and April 15, 2003 in Turville Creek (Coastal Bays) as a result of heavy rainfall.

A graph showing a drop in pH between April 8, 2003 and April 15, 2003 in Turville Creek (Coastal Bays) as a result of heavy rainfall.A graph showing an increase in turbidity between April 8, 2003 and April 15, 2003 in Turville Creek (Coastal Bays) as a result of heavy rainfall.