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MBSS Site Summary for: WEST-108-X-2020

WEST-108-X-2020_Midpoint-facing-down-stream WEST-108-X-2020_Midpoint-facing-upstream

Located on BLUEJAY BRANCH in the West River watershed, 8-digit code: (02131004).
This stream was visited in the spring on 4/27/2020 and again in the summer on //.

An Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) is a scientific tool used to identify and classify stream health. An IBI associates anthropogenic influences on a stream or with biological condition in the stream, and is formulated using data developed from biosurveys.
Details on the development and application of MBSS IBIs are in this document.
Fish IBI N R
Benthic IBI Poor - 1.9 / 5.0

Land Use:
Landuse can provide important information for determining streamhealth.
(Hint: hovering over the text will display definitions of land use variables.)
No landuse information available.

stream habitat
An example of woody debris in a stream.
Physical Stream Habitat:
Instream Habitat not sampled
Epifaunal Substrate not sampled
Velocity/Depth Diversity not sampled
Pool Quality not sampled
Riffle Quality not sampled
Shadingnot sampled
Embeddedness not sampled

Stream Water Quality:
No water quality measurements taken in the field.

Biological Stream Condition:
Surveys of the organisms living within a stream can give indications of stream health. Species richness, or the number of different species present, as well as indicator species (species whose presence, absence or abundance can serve as a measure of environmental conditions) are informative for stream health.
Fish Survey Results:
Fish data is either unavailable for this site or there were no fish observed.

Amphibians and Reptiles:
No amphibians and reptiles were noted at this site

The following crayfish species were noted at this site:

Exotic Plants:
The following exotic plants were noted at this site:

Benthic Macroinvertebrates:
These are organisms like insects, snails, and bivalves, which inhabit the bottom substrates of streams for at least part of their life cycles. Good water quality is indicated by high taxonomic diversity, an abundance of taxa that are sensitive to disturbance, and a lack of taxa that are tolerant of disturbance. Sensitive taxa are indicated by green text, tolerant taxa are indicated by red text, and those with intermediate sensitivity are indicated by gold text.
Genus/Family Common Name Count
SYNURELLA Amphipod 12
ZAVRELIMYIA Non-Biting Midges 3
TUBIFICIDAE Aquatic Worm 3
ACRONEURIA Golden Stoneflies 3
PISIDIUM Freshwater Pea (Pill) Clam 2
NAIDIDAE Aquatic Worm 2
IRONOQUIA Northern Caddisfly 1
NANOCLADIUS Non-Biting Midges 1
sampling with a kick net for benthic macroinvertebrates
Sampling with a kick net for benthic macroinvertebrates.
Information disclaimer: The information and data on this page is for guidance and general planning purposes only. It should not be used to make decisions on specific matters.