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2008 Intensive Water Quality Monitoring Summary
The Department of Natural Resources' Intensive Monitoring Assessment and Development Program is responsible for maintaining a network of statewide continuous monitors and monthly water quality mapping cruises to assess ambient water quality throughout the State. These data are used to assess water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen, water clarity, and chlorophyll, and to determine if Maryland 's Chesapeake Bay segments can be removed from a list of impaired waterways. Segments are generally assessed on a three-year rotation cycle, unless funding from partners allows for continued support of sentinel stations. Data are also used to determine habitat conditions and restoration potential for underwater grasses, oysters and fish; the impact from meteorological events; the extent of harmful algal blooms and low dissolved oxygen; and the cause of fish kills.

Continuous monitors are usually located off of piers in shallow waters of two meters or less of total depth. Instruments are serviced at least every two weeks when calibration samples are also taken. Data are measured every 15-minutes, 24-hours each day. Water quality mapping conducts monthly cruises, measuring thousands of surface water quality points aboard a moving boat in order to create spatially intensive maps of water quality parameters. Calibration samples are taken at 5-8 locations during a cruise. Each monitoring program operates from April through October to coincide with the underwater grass growing season. Both programs take automated measurements of: dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, turbidity, pH, water temperature and salinity. Calibration samples include light attenuation, laboratory analyzed chlorophyll, sediments and nutrients.

In 2008, DNR will be conducting continuous monitoring at 52 sites which includes 2 new stations on the Honga River . The map below shows the monitoring plan for 2008. Data, maps and water quality stories can be found out DNR's Eyes on the Bay website (