Eyes on the Bay Partners
An alphabetical list of Eyes on the Bay partners.
Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) is a NOAA-funded partnership of research institutions, state and regional resource managers, and private sector companies interested in developing and applying sensor/ sensor platform technologies for monitoring and studying coastal environments. DNR participates in many ACT workshops to evaluate and compare new monitoring technologies, and Eyes on the Bay links to two Patuxent River monitoring stations maintained by ACT. |
Challenge.gov Eyes on the Bay and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science were winners of a Phase 1 Prize of the Nutrient Sensor Action Challenge. The prize provided seed funds to pursue monitoring with low cost nutrient sensors. |
Chesapeake Bay Program U.S. Environmental Protection Agency The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) is a partner with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Chesapeake Bay Program. Monitoring data collected by MDNR is available through Eyes on the Bay and is also submitted to the Chesapeake Bay Program's Data Hub. |
Chesapeake Research Consortium (CRC) Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) Maryland Department of Natural Resources works with the greater Chesapeake Bay management community to determine best monitoring and assessment techniques for restoration of the Chesapeake Bay. |
Citizens of Maryland Eyes on the Bay staff regularly answer questions from citizens, students, and teachers about the health of the Chesapeake Bay. |
County Governments In the recent past, DNR has received funding from Maryland counties, such as Harford and Anne Arundel, to monitor local waterways for impairments and to develop bacterial tracking models. DNR, along with MDE and DHMH, coordinate with counties to monitor swimming beaches for human health hazards, such as harmful algal bloom toxins. |
Dominion Foundation of Dominion Power Dominion provided a $200,000 grant for purchase of the Dominion Gooses Buoy to DNR with our NOAA, Maryland Artificial Reef Initiative and Coastal Conservation Association-Maryland partners. Water quality, weather, and current data is available via Eyes on the Bay or NOAA's www.buoybay.org. |
Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) MD DNR works with MDE on an inter-agency task force to determine causes of fish kills or other unusual water quality events. Water quality data are also shared with MDE in the assessment of water quality criteria. |
Maryland Port Administration (MPA) Maryland Environmental Service (MES) MD DNR has partnered with the Maryland Port Administration and Maryland Environmental Service to maintain a continuous monitoring site at Masonville Cove, adjacent to a dredged material containment facility (DMCF), to monitor water quality and evaluate conditions of the DMCF project as part of the mitigation plan. |
Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS) The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is a partner in the Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System, a regional association of the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). Eyes on the Bay contributes data to the MARACOOS OceansMap, collaborates with MARACOOS partners, and receives technical assistance for providing data to various external outlets |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) |
National Aquarium in Baltimore (NAIB) Through a partnership with the National Aquarium in Baltimore, we are assessing water quality conditions using three continuous monitors deployed in Baltimore Harbor alongside the Aquarium's campus. These monitors measure the effects of restoration projects that are taking place along the waterfront. These projects include installation of floating wetlands, underwater shelves with bay grasses, and terraced edges that bring people closer to the water. The monitoring data collected at these sites is managed by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and is available to the public through Eyes on the Bay. |
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation (NMSF)
The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation provided funds for a real-time water quality monitoring buoy at Mallows Bay, Potomac River. The buoy was launched in 2018 and is intended to be deployed for at least five years. Eyes on the Bay is providing the maintenance, data management, and analysis for the project. The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center is providing a fish telemetry receiver used to track tagged fish for various research studies. |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NOAA Chesapeake Bay Program Office NOAA Coastwatch East Coast Node Cooperative Oxford Laboratory (COL) The Maryland Department of Natural Resources was funded by NOAA in 1999 to develop and implement real-time water quality monitoring to assess the environmental conditions contributing to the potential outbreaks of Harmful Algal Blooms. This project demonstrated the utility and value of real-time continuous monitoring and paved the way for developing partnerships to expand the program throughout the Chesapeake and Coastal Bays. Through funding with NOAA CBPO, DNR is helping to service the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System to provide data for water quality criteria assessments. NOAA Coastwatch provides the MODIS satellite data that appears on Eyes on the Bay. MD DNR has helped maintain a vertical profiler in Tred Avon River for several years to assess oyster habitat. |
NOAA/NERRS Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Maryland The Maryland Department of Natural Resources maintains continuous monitoring sites and weather stations within the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Maryland (CBNERR-MD) system, through funding provided by the NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) program. NERRS sites are at Jug Bay on the Patuxent River, Otter Point Creek on the Bush River and Monie Bay off of the lower Wicomico River (Eastern Shore). Data are hosted on Eyes on the Bay. |
National Park Service (NPS) Through the Maryland Coastal Bays National Estuary Program partnership, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and the National Parks Service (NPS) are the lead agencies responsible for implementing the comprehensive eutrophication monitoring plan for the Coastal Bays. |
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) The Nature Conservancy provides funding for water monitoring equipment, staff time, and supplies for continued monitoring of the Harris Creek oyster restoration project. |
Oyster Recovery Partnership (ORP) National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) The Oyster Recovery Partnership, with funding through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, provided funding for water monitoring equipment for use in monitoring the Harris Creek oyster restoration project. |
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) |
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences (UMCES) DNR provides its water quality data and analyses to the UMCES Integrated Application Network and NOAA Ecocheck for the annual Chesapeake Bay Report Card and periodic newsletters on water quality issues. DNR regularly collaborates with UMCES researchers on various Chesapeake and Coastal Bay projects. The Nutrient Analytical Services Laboratory (NASL) at UMCES Chesapeake Biological Lab (CBL) processes thousands of samples for MD DNR. |
US Fish & Wildlife Service The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has provided Maryland DNR funding and logistical support to monitor the impact of new erosion control structures in Eastern Neck and Martin National Wildlife Refuges. |
Waterkeeper Alliance - Riverkeepers DNR collaborates with Riverkeepers throughout Maryland in a variety of capacities. Riverkeepers are the eyes and ears of your local watershed. To find your local Riverkeeper follow this regional link on the Waterkeeper Alliance's website. |